In a profound demonstration of commitment to environmental stewardship, the Student Christian Movement of India (SCMI) North Tamil Nadu Region organized the “Time for Creation Prayer” event on September 21, 2023, at the Church of South India (CSI) Bishop Newbigin College of Education. This event was a part of the global Season of Creation, a time for Christians worldwide to unite in care for our planet.
Before the seminar, Yowanda Yonggara and SCMI General Secretary, Dakerlin Mukhim visited the Church of South India Synod Centre. There, they met with Revd. C. Fernandas Rathina Raja, the General Secretary of the CSI, and Prof. Dr. Vimal Sukumar, the Honorary Treasurer, expressing gratitude for their warm reception and invaluable support.
At the event, Yowanda, alongside Dakerlin Mukhim and Dr. S. Stephen Jebanesan, Diocesan College Secretary, served as chief guests. Yowanda shared the vision and goals of the WSCF Asia Pacific, emphasizing the federation’s role in promoting environmental consciousness within the Asia Pacific region.
This celebration, part of a broader ecumenical initiative extending from the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation to the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, highlighted the critical role of Christian communities in advocating for the planet’s wellbeing. The efforts of Dr. V. Regina, the College Principal, Dr. J. Nirmala, the SCMI Staff Advisor, and Gnanamani, the SCMI Chennai-SCMI Program Secretary, in organizing this event were highly commended.
This gathering not only served as a period of reflection and prayer but also reinforced the Christian commitment to ecological stewardship and the care of creation.